Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Common Rituals

My everyday rituals are about the same as anyone's I suppose.  I wake up in the morning and get dressed and brush my teeth, eat breakfast head to class. Go to work after class , do homework whenever I can spare some time, and do the same thing every week.  I often feel like a robot when things get busy with my everyday demands.  They become rituals and often times I don't think about much else.  That has be a good and bad thing.  It distracts me from certain personal things that cause me to feel saddened but it also prevents me from feeling good.  I don't have time to do things that make me happy or see people that I enjoy.  So my rituals have put up blocks both ways in my mind.  However, I am working on creating ways to slow down my lifestyle and make time for the things that make me happy.  Sure, rituals and everyday work are important in succeeding in today's world but I think making time for fun and doing what you love is just as important. 

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